tinympl  0.2
mini MPL library for C++11
Arithmetic operations


class  tinympl::divides< A, B >
 Computes A/B where A and B are compile time constants. More...
class  tinympl::minus< A, B >
 Computes A-B where A and B are compile time type constants. More...
class  tinympl::modulus< A, B >
 Computes A%B where A and B are compile time constants. More...
class  tinympl::multiplies< Args >
 Multiplies its arguments. More...
class  tinympl::negate< A >
 Returns the opposite of the compile time constant A. More...
class  tinympl::plus< Args >
 Sums its arguments. More...

Detailed Description

Metafunctions which perform arithmetic operations on std::integral_constant or equivalent types