tinympl  0.2
mini MPL library for C++11
Set operations (on unsorted sequences)


class  tinympl::is_unique< Sequence >
 Determines whether the input sequence contains only unique elements. More...
class  tinympl::set_difference< SequenceA, SequenceB, Out >
 Computes the difference between two sets. More...
class  tinympl::set_intersection< SequenceA, SequenceB, Out >
 Computes the intersection between two sets. More...
class  tinympl::set_union< SequenceA, SequenceB, Out >
 Computes the union of two sets. More...
class  tinympl::unordered_equal< SequenceA, SequenceB >
 Determines whether it is possible to reorder the sequence A to match exactly the sequence B More...

Detailed Description

Algorithms which perform set operations.

Unlike the std counterparts, these algorithms do not require an ordering of the elements.